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'YOLO', meaning You Only Live Once, is a viral quote most popularly used by prepubescent girls, but the range is undoubtedly in the teenage community. Anyone who uses YOLO in defence of their stupidity and sinful actions should be hanged, or the method of execution available widely in the state this person lives in. Such places like Texas, which still use the electric chair, or Germany who could make an exception with gas chambers, are prime examples of execution methods acceptable for the annihilation of YOLO'ers. Help us fight the fight, share this with your friends on Facebook, and defeat the almighty (and nerdy, prepubescent) YOLO army.

Me: Why the hell would you do that?
Person: Because YOLO.

*I shoot Person in the face for such sinful acts against the English language.*

Me: This serves as a warning to people who think they're NEW and ORIGINAL for using one of the most annoying pieces of shit to touch the interwebs.

by Wuskar June 28, 2012

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