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The coolest, most dark and mysterious group of kids in high school. Scene kids are totally unique because:

1.) Music. their musical tastes are totally deeper than yours. scene kids don't just listen to chiodos and underoath anymore, they now enjoy lil' wayne and girl talk!

2.) Haircuts. their haircuts are omg fab, held together by super strength hair wax, hair spray, or sometimes gel (all in mass amounts). the preferred styling method is to put a shitload of wax on the back of their head before bedtime, making it super messy and xcore (WARNING: this causes scenester-pillowcase syndrome). When they wake up for high school, they then apply massive amounts of product in the front to make it flat and pushed all in one direction. the great thing about scene haircuts: they're unisex!

3.) Hair Dye. along with the cool do's, scenesters also are totally individuals and non-conformists because of their hair dye patterns. in order to be truly scene, your hair must consist of 2 or more colors, one of them being a hue that doesn't occur in nature. Black is chosen by most as their naturally-occurring color, the other may be blue, bloodfrommywrists-red, green, or my personal favorite, purple (makes me think of grape jolly ranchers!)

4.) Piercings. emo/scene kids love 'em, mostly in places they'll regret when they are 25 and in the job market. Sorry xhatemylifex, but you'll never get hired with 3 nose piercings, 4 lip piercings, and an eyebrow ring. not even at starbucks.

5.) Cigarettes. Scene kids start once they find out they're scene. in getting started on the cancer sticks, they use the stereotypical "i'm cool for smoking" excuse to justify it to themselves. Many scene kids don't actually inhale their cigarettes, as they are in the 13-14 year old range and don't know how to properly smoke yet.

6.) Clothes. this is one of my fav's. the scenester wardrobe is as unisex as the haircut. t-shirts must be 2 sizes too small; the typical 5'8" 150 lb. male wears an XS tee (as to expose his midriff) of his favorite band, perhaps the rocket summer. pants must be GIRLS jeans (tight men's jeans are not acceptable) with key rings hanging from the beltloops, and rips and tears in the knee and thigh area. once again, pants must be 2 sizes too small, as to minimize mobility of the legs and maximize how much of their belly hangs over the waistline.

7.) Mannerisms. Scenesters usually don't allow for much fluctuation of the voice, as to not show any happy emotions they may have. Others: looking down, flipping their hair, adjusting their pants, checking myspace religiously, and putting an x before and after every word they use. it's the hardxcorex thing to xdo.

8.) Myspace. all the scenesters got 'em. All photos are self-taken from an awkward angle, as to show any cleavage they might have in junior high/high school, or to show that they're just plain good at aiming without looking at their digital camera's screen.

All in all, these factors make scenesters the most respected group of people in their high school.

NOTE: You can consider this a confession of a former-scenester. I'm guilty of all the above, except piercings/hair styles.

Though most of the content is true, let's be honest; most scene kids get to a point where they realize what they are doing is ridiculous. Those that don't just end up getting pointed and laughed at (rightfully so). If you're gonna do the scene style, why don't you just go all-out and cross dress?

1: Hey, did you see Connor's new scene wardrobe on myspace?

2: yeah, Connor is so scene; i love his lip ring and mudd jeans. my sister has the same jeans.

1: awesome! what kind of hair wax did he use for that cool do?

2: not too sure... (drags cigarette without inhaling)... what's his screen name again so i can tell him how sweet and ghetto his new gear is?

1: i think its xxbleedingmakesbloodxx, but it might be xwilldiexforyoux.

2: so scene...

by X_i_am_so_scene_X March 4, 2009

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