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A texting acronym that stands for "Ohh Fucking Well"

Via Text) Husband: I'm sorry I can't go with you to see your mother, I have to go to Michigan for my father's funeral. Bitchy Wife: OFW that fucking guy never did anything for us in the first place, he deserves to be dead.

by Xero _ Manifest January 5, 2011

118πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


What you call someone who is so oblivious to the affection of even the hottest of girls, to an extent that he is also labled as a retard for doing so.

Guy 1: Did you see that, he didn't even notice that hot chick flirting with him!!! Guy 2: What an oblivitard...

by Xero _ Manifest October 22, 2010

53πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A severe and deadly (to everybody else) condition that only affects females. This condition is highly contagious and when a female has been infected it will only last no more than a week of every month. Symptoms include raging bitch fits, mood swings, a desire to kill anyone near her, and cravings for chocolates and other sweets. WARNING if you see a female who's been infected do not go near her run! Run for your life! These women are highly dangerous and will attempt to kill anyone and everyone

Chris: Whoa dude! Did you see Chrysta today?
Tony: Ya man I think she got infected with femeninitus
Chris: We better get the hell out of here before she tries to kill us

by Xero _ Manifest July 8, 2012


To be pwned in the magnitude times 1000.

Guy 1: Wtf? That guy killed you in like 10 seconds flat! Guy 2: How the.. I didn't even know that was possible.. Guy: 1 He went beyond pwning you. You just got gigapwned..

by Xero _ Manifest December 29, 2011

49πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Regulations of a Thief

1) Never steal from friends.... family is still okay though 2) If it feels to easy, your being set up. 3) You DO NOT steal from another thief. 4) Sweaters are avery good way to concele stolen objects. 5) When stealing something, remove it from its original packaging. 6) If you walk into a store, never leave without buying something, it will only draw attention to yourself. 7) When stolen merchandice id on your person, don"t rush out, it only makes you look like a criminal. 8) Never steal from a store that you hane never been to before. 9)ALWAYS GO ALONE!!!! 10) If you get caught whille someone else is with you, that person has the right to say that he has no idea who you are. 11)Always scout a store for any and all cameras. 12) Paranoia is the enemy, always stay calm. 13) You will never be caught if you steal for non-selfish reasons, say for example if you steal something just to give it to someone else. 14) Blondes are not as stupid as you think.... 15) When stealing from a person, at least make sure that person knows your name, that way if said person catches you, you can try to play it off as a joke. 16) Being a show-off, will always come back to get you, don"t brag about things you"ve stolen.

17) It is never appropriate to steal from mentally challenged people, churches, your friends, or yourself. 18) Never try to steal something that is at the larger than your own body. 19) Before robbing a person always watch that persons every movement, learn when his possesions are vulnerable, and then make your move. 20) Any thief wo breaks any of The Regulations of a Thief, will no longer be considered a thief, instead they will be labled as an average black guy

by Xero _ Manifest October 29, 2010

67πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Procrastinatory Munchies

The feeling of wanting something to grub on to avoid doing something else of more importance. The feeling is compulsive and often occurs at a time when you aren't even hungry.

Bitch Ass Chemistry Teacher: Where's your homework? Me: All Sunday I was planning on working on it, but I got the Procrastinatory Munchies and ended up not doing anything. Bitch Ass Chemistry Teacher: That would most likely explain your overall surface area..... Me: Did you just call me a lardass in smart guy language?!! At least I didn't spend my weekend procrasterbating like some bitch ass chemistry teacher I know.

by Xero _ Manifest October 31, 2010

54πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Tweeker Logic

The amazingly stupid logic people use when they're drugged beyond belief, but still want more.

Tweeker1: I'll let you punch me in the face for just one hit of your joint. Tweeker2: That sounds like a good deal to me. Rndm Guy: That sounds more like Tweeker Logic to me....

by Xero _ Manifest March 17, 2011

48πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž