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Inspired by the Chess move of the same name, Castling is a form of equivalent exchange. Castling is when someone gives something of value/does a favor for someone else, with the soul purpose being that that person will then owe them something of value/some sort of favor at anytime in the future.

"I just gave you a Coke, that's called castling. Law of equivalent exchange. Now you have to name your first born after me."

by Xx_Currently_Castling_xX September 29, 2021


Derived from the chess move, 'Castling' refers to the law of equivalent exchange. When you are 'Castling' you are doing a favor and/or giving something of value to/for another person, with the sole intention that they will then owe you a favor/item sometime in the future.

"I just gave you a Coke, that's called Castling. Law of equivalent exchange, now you owe me a favor in the future. I want you to name your first born after me."

by Xx_Currently_Castling_xX September 24, 2021