A person, usually of beastly qualities, that can perform feats of such a beastly nature, it is said to be blasphemy, or Magic.
The initials of a Beast Magician are B.M.
Anyone that says that B.M. stands for bowel movement is a person that obviously has no confidence about their social standing, so they must make jokes about different topics in the field of excrement.
Person 1: "Yo, that guy is such a Beast Magician, hey, he's a B.M.!!!!"
Person 2: "He's a bowel movement?" (Looks for approval from his friends that he is funny)
Person 1: You are an idiot.
Person 2's "friends": Yeah, you are lame.
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The people on Earth that were attacked, and cheated out of their land. Life for them was destroyed from the moment white people entered their country. The Lumbee tribe, in particular, are especially strong and proud of their heritage. They do not live on reservations. Most live in Robeson County, N.C. The Lumbees are also believed to be descendents of the "Lost Colony", though it hasn't been proven. Also, the Ku Klux Klan attempted to attack the Lumbees, but the Lumbees fought back and owned them. You come lookin' for a fight, boy, you don't wanna know how bad you'll get beat. I am a proud Lumbee, and I am kind of tired of stupid people asking me if I am Indian from India, or Hispanic. Get your facts straight people.
Idiot talking to me - "Hey, are you mexican?"
Me - "No, I am Native American, actually. I am part of the Lumbee Tribe, one of the many types of Native Americans."
Idiot talking to me - "So, you're mexican, right?"
Me - "Go sit in the corner."
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