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South Dakota

It's NOT just a bunch of open fields and Mount Rushmore. There are several cities in the state, it's very mountainous in the West. South Dakota is probably tied with North Dakota for which state best fits the definition of "Great plains state". There are also lots of Indian reservations here too, about 1/3 of the state. Unlike Oklahoma, these tribes weren't forcefully moved here, they are the original people of the Dakotas. But best of all, in South Dakota, you can get a full drivers license at the very young age of 14. So if you're a 14 or 15 year old from New York who likes making fun of South Dakota, you really should be jealous of it.

South Dakota is not just open fields and Mount Rushmore. It's totally worth visiting.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 18, 2021

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Loud Eater

Someone who rudely eats really loud, and doesn't respect basic manners. If you're a loud eater, you do these things.

1. Always eat and chew with your mouth wide open.
2. Talk while chewing.
3. Slurp whenever you drink a beverage.
4. Loudly bite your spoon or fork when using it.
5. Every time you open your mouth, loudly take a deep breath.

6. Get a good nice "ahhh" whenever you finish sipping your beverage
7. Burp at least a few times.
8. Lick your face and fingers to get all the food off it. Napkins are for losers.
9. Every time you put food in your mouth, loudly drop your silverware so it makes a "bang" on your plate.
10. If you're having soup, let plenty of it drip down into your bowl so it sounds like a nice waterfall.

If your date is a loud eater, it's probably a safe bet you don't want to go out with them again.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 1, 2021

Treaty of Sevres

The treaty that was signed in 1920 which decided the fate of the now collapsing Ottoman Empireรขย€ย™s territories. It partitioned Anatolia between European colonial spheres of influence, newly created countries for ethnic minorities, and what remained of the fallen-from-glory Ottoman Empire. Was partially nullified by the Treaty of Lusanne later on, but generally succeeded in bringing down the Ottoman Empire and creating a modern and secular Turkish state.

The Treaty Of Sevres was the final treaty signed in regards to hostilities from the First World War, arguably bringing it to an end.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 29, 2020


One who lets sensitivity, going with the crowd, and utopian thinking get in the way of common sense. Democrats are the worst of two evils. They believe in socialism, cracking down on free speech with hate speech laws, recognizing the ridiculous and unscientific concept of third genders, and refuse to recognize that unborn children are still children

A democrat is someone who values what other democrats say more than the truth.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 5, 2021

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Life Imprisonment

When a prisoner is sentenced to spend the rest of their life in prison. A very useless sentence, because once a prisoner gets it, they might as well have the death penalty. Either way they're going to die in prison. There are three types of life sentences.

Life With Parole:

When the prisoner gets sentenced to life, but is eligible for parole release after a certain number of years (usually 25 years). This is the most common sentence, as it ensures the prisoner will have an incentive to behave in prison, and it allows them back into society on strict monitoring. It's not a guarantee, to earn parole, you must behave very well in prison and show that you're worthy of being released.

Life Without Parole:

Life Imprisonment with no parole eligibility. If you get this, you're spending the rest of your days behind bars no matter what, unless you get the governor of your state to grant you clemency. This is hard to do, and the fact that you're likely a murderer isn't going to earn you much sympathy. But, if you truly can convince the governor you've changed, it might be worth a shot.

Practical Life Sentence

Any sentence that is longer than the prisoner will likely live. Generally, sentences higher than 75 years in prison fit this category, as even a young adult likely won't live to see their release date. These are handed out usually when a person has many crimes stacked against them, with no single one worthy of a life sentence, but adding up to like 100 years.

Two US states have Abolished Life Imprisonment.

Alaska, which still hands out the practical life sentence of 99 years in prison

Connecticut, which has lowered its maximum prison term from life to 25 years.

Also, some states have abolished life without parole, but still hand out life sentences with parole eligibility. These are:

Rhode Island
New York

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 10, 2020

Christopher Columbus

A man who is wrongly portrayed as evil. He was not evil, racism was simply a fact of life back then. He also didnรขย€ย™t kill all native Americans, most of them died by disease.

Keep Christopher Columbus day! He was a smart man who gave birth to the modern Western Hemisphere. None of us Americans would be here without him. He didnรขย€ย™t slaughter all the Natives, disease killed them.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx September 29, 2020

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Someone who doesn't understand how vaccines work and refuse to educate themselves.


Smart Person: No, Vaxidiot, autism involves a chemical imbalance in the brain, it is not an injectable disease


Smart Person: But didn't you get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Vaxidiot #2: Yes but I'M SCARED AHHH

Smart Person: Calm yourself, you're vaccinated and protected, do you seriously not understand how vaccines work?

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx March 17, 2021

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