An unfavorable anatomic feature common to the aging male population--the accumulation of under-the-chin fat which, when gathered up by a necktie, closely resembles that of shorn female genitalia.
Did you just hear him say that he's disbanding the COVID-19 Task Force?
Wait, what? No...I was so distracted by his Vag Neck that I missed it...
6π 2π
An administration influenced largely by partisan misinformation, fact distortion and data manipulation that results in dangerous, ineffective and inconsistent policy; a condition grossly exposed and made obvious in times of national crisis.
Every year millions of citizens are killed in car crashes, shootings, drug overdoses... and we don't shut the country down over those!
True. But those are examples of FAILURE despite on-going attempts to PREVENT those deaths; also, NONE OF THEM ARE FUCKING CONTAGEOUS. What you've got there is a Fox News Presidency. Need proof? Not a hoax, not magically disappearing, not treated effectively by Hydroxychloroquine, not everyone gets a test that wants a test, not a perfect test...
7π 1π
A special brand of pandemic denial that promotes economic status over health and preservation of life.
So, even though we're on an accelerating rate of COVID infections with daily-death toll doubling--Coronomics dictate that we sacrifice untold lives for the sake of propping up the economy.
12π 4π
People make all kinds of interesting choices in life--some lead to spectacular, unbelievable success, while others end in crushing, hopeless defeat. Regardless of the results, NOBODY wants to make the dumb-choice--a choice made with casual abandon, zero consideration for consequence and high-misery outcome probability.
Check it out. This guy's got it FUCKIN' MADE. Got the supportive family, private school education; cars, boats, exotic vacations, lotsa ladies...then he goes and makes the dumb-choice. The world then transforms into a very different place, unrecognizable from his previous life. He has no legal tender, no credit, no place to live and no options...HE'S FUCKED HIMSELF.
25π 3π
Any Halloween that does not fall on a Friday or Saturday, thus seriously compromising enjoyment and/or participation by those with work, school or other non-weekend time demands.
On a Monday! Really! OK, that was the worst Lame-O-Ween I can remember....the killer fake clowns didn't even show up!
58π 5π
An individual or organization that attempts to derive illicit financial benefit from the sale of misrepresented products or services during a global health crisis.
Yo! I got a whole truck load of N95 masks for sale. Here's a sample...
Dude, these things are made out of toilet tissue and rubber bands. You're a goddam Pandemic Profiteer....
Hey, they're better than nothin'. 20 bucks each...just don't get 'em wet.
The ever-growing ranks of civilian, wealth-driven Space exploration programs.
Hey, who was the latest entry in the AstroBillionaire club?
Ummm, I think it was Bezos? or maybe Branson?