The common denomination of a vertically challenged hunter-gatherer tribe located in the Sri lanka region.
While inexplicably lost in rather deep foliage the chief of the excursion finally proclaimed, "where the fukavee?"; the rest is history...
73👍 6👎
The predictable 12-16 hour after-mexican-food, high-activity bathroom period, during which an asshole transplant becomes a serious consideration.
oh no! here it comes. it's been brewin' since last nite... burritos'n beers penalty phase imminent...LIQUID BROWN ALERT!
18👍 4👎
The process of casting a ballot of support for one particular candidate as an overt act of opposition to the election of another, less desirable contender.
I'm fully prepared to Antivote in the 2020 presidential election; I would support just about anyone on the fuckin' planet, or even NOT on the planet, as long as it isn't Trump. I would however, support his return to reality TV where he can be a self-proclaimed genius and not fuck up any world except his own.
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The punitive act of 'leaving-behind' a large, commode-filling mass of fecal material that, through time, evaporation and vacancy creates an extremely unpleasant next-occupant arrival surprise; especially useful for time-share condos, infrequently accessed guest homes and seasonal-use facilities.
I'll never again be the first to enter THAT condo...the last renters shat-in-absentia. When I opened the door it was like being punched in the face by a shit-bag fist. Nas-T....
64👍 5👎
The improved ability to ambulate that increases in proportion to alcohol tolerance and performance demand.
Oh, ain't you just a bitch. Stumbling 'round after only a couple a gots to get mo' practice if'n ya' ever plan on gettin yer liquor legs!
12👍 3👎
As opposed to: self-dep·re·cat·ing/ËËself ËdeprÉËkÄdiNG/ behaviour which intentionally diminishes ones potential performance this condition allows for full-on self-destructive annihilation.
So yeah, Jan 6 was a national tragedy; what's even worse is the sworn, self defecating testimony of the far right groups that participated in it.
Private airtravel chartered exclusively as a glaring middle-finger payback-display, serving to symbolically right decades of accumulated dysfunctional family wrongs...
No tickets. No reservations. No invitation.
We decided to crash the graduation ceremony anyway.
What we DO have is a private jet carrying a big 'ol grudge flight, fuck you...
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