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1. N. A social email thread where contributors can bant and use big words while doing so. Successful wankeys have been known to encompass tens of thousands of emails.

2. N. The sociological phenomenon arising from said thread, where social activity is absorbed into the online realm and participants in the thread grow increasingly insular and factionalised.

3. V. To contribute to said email thread.

4. Adj. Wankey-related.

1. Oh my god have you seen wankey? Mark blankeyed!

2. Headline in parish paper "Wankey in Crisis. Foxcab's greatest institution SPLITS"

3. Neil: I'm all shaky?
Aobh: Why?
Neil: I haven't wankeyed in two days.
Aobh: Have some egg.

4. Mmmm, Sunday, good wankey day.
Oh don't really know her as such, she's a wankey friend.

by Yabloko March 26, 2007

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