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Konnor, is usualy a male, a konnor is big and strong, he is good at keeping his emotions in, he can make anyone laugh and his smile is contagious, he usualy has the most beautiful eyes that are a mixure of light brown and sometimes green, he might have freckles and dimples, he is the most adorable person ever like a big teddy bear but the konnor can tear u limb from limb. If you meat a konnor keep hkm close, he is not good with opening up and doesnt like feelings and but inside hes filled. Dont force him or get him really mad. If he cares about you he will go to hell and back for you. Keep him close hes amazing.

Wow... thats a konnor ! Lets go bug him until we becom friends !!

by Yaknowwhoiamman December 30, 2019

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