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Mr Brannelly

the creepy ped who lowkey highkey rapes people and wears pants ten sizes to big. convicted of a dui even tho he got hired as a latin teacher. treats everyone as if they are all dumbasses which is honestly true. he probably has women hidden in the back of his car. he is def a child molester. everyone reported him on the anonymous app.

Mr Brannelly touched my shoulder today and it was a mcproblem.

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019


literally the devil. shes a terrible doggo that literally harrasses everyone and pretends to protect her family but secretly bites laurels toes thru her socks until theyre bleeding intensly. she also likes to have consensual sex with andrew.

Laurel: Omg shasta is humping andrew again and he likes it!

Laure's Dad: Awww shit here we go again.

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019

Hiding Place

The place the secret squad is going to live for the first night of their runaway plan. Also a vsco hangout

Bella: Did you see that snake over by the Hiding Place? It looked so cool - I had to send a picture to my dad.

Laurel: um tf <yeets dead snake body onto sebastian's face>

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A nonsexual drink that gives the same side effects as crack but is legal for minors even tho its strongly dissapproved. The secret squad chugs these bitches so they can get lit. Peach mango is the best ofc

Wow that Bang was hella sweet

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


when a problem is so severe but also completely irrelevant to life takes over all of your friends lives and is very concerning. It is a combination of mcdonalds and a problem, which means that youre fat and have a problem.

Yall i have a mcproblem - i hate school and need to run away.

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019


when a problem is so severe but also completely irrelevant to life takes over all of your friends lives and is very concerning. It is a combination of mcdonalds and a problem, which means that youre fat and have a problem.

Yall i have a mcproblem - i hate school and need to run away.

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019


Youll know it when you see it - its laurels face - cant miss it

that clown rlly thinks shes thicc

by YannyBemaurel September 23, 2019