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Yaoweh: the spirit of Godalmighty

Yaoweh, the spirit of Godalmighty; was referred to be a Dove similarity, but Yaoweh was not a Pigeon.
Yaoweh was referred to be Tongues of fire and Flame of fire similarity, but Yaoweh was not all these.
Yaoweh, was referred to be Tongues of fire similarity, but Yaoweh was not fire.
Yaoweh was said to be the (power of God) but (iam who iam) is infinite in power, but Yaoweh is a Spirit of IamWhoIam that understand IAM better!
Yaoweh is the Spirit of IamWhoIam said prophet Jesmion the priest of the most highest God!
Yaoweh could appear as a Dove in confirmation.
Yaoweh could appear as cloven tongues of fire in administration, and can appear in many other ways and many other forms to be mentioned.
God spoke to Moses Armram said: the people of Israel have spoken well Deut.18:17. i will raise up for them a prophet from among their brethren, like unto you Moses, and will put my words in his mouth; and he should speak unto them all that i should command him Deut. 18:18.

Jesus Yashua when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water: and behold, the heavens were opened unto him and he saw Yaoweh (spirit of God) descending like a Dove and alightened upon him; a voice from the heaven said: This is my beloved son, in whom iam well pleased!

Yaoweh the Holyspirit of IAM descendf as a Dove to confirm that Jesus was the chosen from all that were baptized in river Jordan; then IamWhoIam spoke from the heavens about Yeshua the Messiah

by Yaoweh April 30, 2020