Source Code


Jasping is Welsh code for shagging sheep. Typically this act involves the use of Wellington Boots.

i was jasping for air, in the way my grandfather taught me.

by Yav69 July 23, 2017


A non-English word describing a phenomenon only experienced by non British people. In short it is when they imbibe more than 3 pints of beer and they feel very ill the next day as a result.

No word for this in English due to the ritual of hair of the dog

Baksmälla! Hangover! Jag vill ha min mamma!!!

by Yav69 January 26, 2019


Is defined by being a terrible infuence and is most likely to be a bad spirit, a horrible cold or an indignant twerp who thinks he is the best at everything. In gaming terms he is the one who joins a guild and immediately demands to be an officer

Futchy is so cool I so wished I'd called myself Futchy instead of Stebercam

by Yav69 January 26, 2019


A Cassie is usually a hipster bitch who strives to be a Goth but can't be arsed with all that hair and makeup grief. She spells her name in a "cool” way such as using numbers instead of letters. For example C45513 or C4ss1e.

A cassie is usually found hanging around gay bars smoking long thin cigars and wearing military boots. Always surprised when her boyfriends come out as gay! Believes in ghosts but probably confuses that belief with her obsessive habit of talking to herself. Often has hissy fits. Avoid during full moon.

I went to the gay bar last night and this bitch called Cassie wouldnt leave me alone. Had to fuck her just to stop the earache!

by Yav69 February 2, 2019

2👍 15👎


An over excited baboon who likes to throw his faeces about. Someone who has a silly voice and refuses to use voice communications. A person who scores well on games at the expense of others. Much inflated ego as a result.

Holy Fuck that guy is a total and utter Tants!

by Yav69 January 28, 2019