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patt se headshot

A cheap-ass verbal victory sign used by bitch-ass gamers like Dynamo. These gamers usually use hacks to fulfill their narcissistic wishes.

Dynamo: (exclaims) Patt se headshot!

by Yeetbreaker July 29, 2019

43👍 74👎


A bitch-ass gamer who uses hacks in PUBG to get more headshots. He's one of them lame-ass motherfuckers who don't know how the world fuckin' works.

BTW he's also the inventor of the meme 'Patt se Headshot'.

Me: You seen Dynamo's new video?
Mah homie: Nah man I don't watch that bitch-ass' videos, and neither should you.

by Yeetbreaker August 6, 2019

8👍 7👎