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A person who canoodles everyone’s cheeks, it can be the face cheeks or the ass cheeks

Omg your being such an Ameya with my cheeks

by YeetusThebeetus June 11, 2019

5👍 10👎


A weeaboo lookin ass who uses OwO and makes you want to die.

Omg he watches anime, what a ARTHUR

by YeetusThebeetus March 6, 2019

4👍 12👎

Eatus The Feetus

The process of eating the feetus prior to Yeeting it.

Bob loves to Eatus the Feetus

by YeetusThebeetus September 21, 2018

Roast Battle

A bunch of indian preteens trying to act edgy and say things that they wouldn’t dare say to their mommies.

Did you hear, Advaith used the NONO word during the Roast Battle!

by YeetusThebeetus October 15, 2018

13👍 11👎