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An slur or usually used to call people dumb, but a slur with a dark meaning
The word “Retard” is ableist and used to make fun of people with mental disabilities, or mental illness.

This slur is usually used on people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or Down Syndrome, it is not right to make fun of an disabled person for their autism, adhd, down syndrome or any other mental disorder

Remember to treat everyone with kindness and respect!

Jenny got mad at Jenna for not catching up in time and called her a retard for what she couldn’t control!

by Yeezy0927 September 8, 2023


Discriminative Behavior Or Hatred towards someone based on their race/ethnicity (not nationality)

White Man 1 👨🏼 🦳: do you see that guy over there? yuck look at his skin
White Man 2 🧔🏼: Yeah, I do see his skin. He looks like a negro
Black Man 1 🧔🏾 ♂️: Guys stop discriminating my race and the color of my skin! That’s Racism!

A person discriminating another over race (White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native, Pacific Islander etc.) Or Ethnicity (Welsh, English, Chinese, Pakistani, Afghani, Arab, Jewish, Romani, Scottish, N. Irish, Irish, Irish Traveller) Racism

by Yeezy0927 August 3, 2023