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Formerly known as "condescending" but has evolved beyond the scope of the original meaning to be come "the moment when a Frenchman or Frenchwoman is telling a foreigner literally anything, whether the foreigner knows how to do it or not and the Frenchman/woman's ways are very humiliating" because they feel superior

NB: when it happens in reverse i.e. When a foreigner does it to a french citizen see: Nagging or backwardness
Driving situation:

French: "You can't drive on the left side of the road"

Foreigner: Stop frenchsplanning!

by Yesid821010 June 3, 2017


When someone is trying to feed you shit and you listen but you are just jacking off mentally cause you know it is just a bunch of fucking BS and then suddenly you let out an unconscious facial expression about the pleasure you feel jacking off mentally to their BS.

Rene: Luis, I didn't couldn't change the language on the website.
Luis the Deportable: JoG
Rene: Oh yeah yoshi, you think I am lying.

by Yesid821010 January 29, 2016

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