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Dylan is a sweet caring guy who is full of love. Not knowing Dylan you might think he is a bit stupid and rude but when you get to know him he can be the kindest person you’ll meet. Dylan likes doing new things but often looses interest in them things. Dylan is a very deep in his feels guy and if you hurt Dylan there’s no going back. When a Dylan gets heartbroken he feels it hard. Dylan is also a very funny guy, he makes jokes that can have you laughing for ages. Dylans also tend to be fineee. Dylans are kind of sensitive and have a lot of issues but always put others before them. Dylans are very goofy and if you meet a Dylan I suggest you keep him around for as long as you can. If you get the chance to make Dylan your life long partner you should definitely accept.

Dylan is so goofy, funny and caring. Wow I wish I had more Dylans in my life.

by YouKnowWhoItIs85 January 25, 2020