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Another Indoctrination Center set for children little as 4-early 20s.

It dumbs down society and teaches them to be submissive, and docile drones. You learn useless garbage that has little to no relevance to your life, and that you will forget in months.

A place where they make shit up on the spot, call it a law or rule and give you a punishment for it. A place where authority figures percieve you as bugs in which they can control and do anything to.

A place which indoctrinates you into becoming ready for the lifestyle the government wants you at. It destroys you mentally and physically. A place in which consists of disinformation ie history science english anything you can name.

A place in which destroys your free thinking and creativity. Taught useless things, and called dumb for not doing well. School is useless and consists of just memorizing useless information which you'll forget in several months.

Yeah, I'm done, this shit pisses me off because I have to go to school tomorrow. Home School your kids, it's not illegal!!

My School.

by YouLiveToDie May 24, 2010

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