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Eunseong is a very why Person , but still is everyone obsessed with him! He is the kind of guy you won’t notice in class but he stills scores the best anywhere ! But he has an very naughty side in him so be careful ..

:Hey Eunseong what’s your grade?
: A+
:Awhhh it’s always you
: laughs
Mysterious perfection

by Youprobablyknowmesohi November 21, 2021


Minh , very handsome and attractive guy. I don’t know him but at the way to school we see each other and i like him. Too scared to talk to him tho lmaooo

Me: Omg there he is , how do I look?
Friend: What? WHO do you mean?!????
Me: I mean Minh but pshhhtt whisper!

by Youprobablyknowmesohi February 2, 2022