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nu metal


I'm quite shocked.

So, let's get this defined.


A form of metal that uses influences from rap, hip-hop and various heavy-metal genres.

At first, it was quite a good genre, but now that it is popular, and therefore 'Mainstream', people have this idea that it is a brainwasher.

Yes, I will admit there are some bands I want to throttle, alot of them nu-metal, but I hafta get this off my chest.

The First Punching-bag of the "MAnStR34m 1S 4 l0zrs Lol!!!1!" Brigade;

A Nu-metal band from Iowa, save for their bassist, who's from somewhere else.
I'm not a big fan, but their music's alright.

A band from god-knows where, that I dont listen to them much.
I'm not that much of a fan, but I love the vocalist's mic-stand.

Limp Biz(s?)Cit.
I will admit I hate this band.

The point I'm trying to get across is this.
Give it a chance!
You might find something you like!

Because, if you go around claiming that all music from that genre sucks, you're no better than the people who resent metal entirely.

Me: Wow, this Slipknot's not bad, they got good sounds.

Friend: shmeh, I'm not into nu metal, but yeah, I'll go with the flow.

That was a good example, here's what not to do:

Me: Wow, this slipknot's pretty awesome.

Friend: What? But they're nu-metal! That's so mainstream!

Me: And?

'Friend': And nothing! Stop listening to that and put on (Generic band)!


Friend: Even though I bitch about equal treatment, I still think everything form that genre must sound bad becau-, Hey, whatcha doing with that chainsa- YEEAAARRGGGHHHBEEGHG!

So, give a genre a chance, and shut up.

Jesus, whiny c*nts.

by Your Best F(r)IEND. August 7, 2008

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