Any item of inferior merchandise.
I can't hear you, we're breaking up... this cell phone is a pizzaccitte.
An employee thought incapable of working independently and therefore relegated to the most menial tasks.
Who says a title doesn't improve morale -- Mickey here got tired of being looked down upon as a gofer, so we gave him the title Incidental Accessories Liaison and now he can't wait to get to work!
An open-assembly voting strategy in which an item guaranteed to place new tax or other burdens on the town's hardest workers is brought back for a final vote after these riffraff have left to rest up, if not show up, for their next shifts.
Guess what, Tony... that new water works plant passed after we left. We didn't have enough Nays to stop it before we had to leave, and then "opposition attrition" kicked in, leaving the usuals who coulda stayed till noon enough Ayes to ram it through.
(ant. Corollary)
1. Any Amendment or Addendum conceived aforethought to flip or otherwise subvert a policy recommendation from a people's or other 'lower' assembly; in layman's terms, a monkey-wrench.
2. Any office, committee room, or bunker in which these are conceived.
That new House Infrastructure bill was going great until the Senate slipped that Voter-ID spatulary under it!
To wash one's hands after ordering at a fast food kiosk.
Look at these fingerprints on this monitor... I think we oughta de-coli before digging into the French fries.
The composite set list of an end-stage open mic.
Sooner or later, every open mic is abandoned to the Ordure of the Night's Template!
/sÉrËkÊmp(É)nÄ«z/ Dick around.
I can't keep my guitar in tune, maybe I should circumpenize with the truss rod.