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laser focus

Intensely paying attention to a single object, concept, person, or activity to the exclusion of everything else.

She had such laser focus on a guy named Chad that she failed to realize that her best friend was in dire trouble.

by Zappoblappo November 27, 2013

61👍 6👎


When a person with a position of power chooses to cook the planet through either their production of hot air, voting for "Burn Baby Burn" policies, or by enriching their absurdly wealthy friends that are living only for today without concern for their heirs.

I wanted to party like it was 1999, but our good ol' boy Mr. Burns pulled a Manchin, bless his heart, and now we're all dancing on these scorching hot coals in Dante's Inferno.

by Zappoblappo October 16, 2021


An emptytarian is someone that has entered a major grocery store and found only empty shelves where food once was, resolving to change their dietary habits to conform to the new reality. It matters not whether this new reality is due to pandemic-induced supply chain problems, a zombie apocalypse, or a sudden rash of fanta pants. For those that had been vegetarians, vegans, fruititarians, and carnivores, the sight of so many empty shelves can convert them to becoming an emptytarian.

The store shelves appear empty but they are actually selling dreams, aspirations, desires, and lots of hot air that's all bottled up. I for one have one have stopped being a Vegan and become a Emptytarian!

by Zappoblappo November 17, 2021


Is an Orwellian inspired New Speak word, popularized by a notable dictator, to describe a scorched-earth war of unimaginable devastation that seeks to eliminate all people that don't swear fealty to the dictator. This specific type of war begins with military exercises and conscripts being told that they're going into a territory just for training purposes. Upon arriving in a foreign land, the military orders their troops to commit themselves to destroying apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, power plants, sewage and waste water treatment plants, indiscriminately killing civilians, as well as committing numerous war crimes. During public interviews, special-military-operation will be used in place of all of these horribly messy details in an attempt to sanitize a brutal and inhumane war that the dictator has instigated.

To spend several days watching news broadcasts on the main state channels, as well as surveying state-controlled newspapers, is to witness the extent of the Kremlin’s efforts to sanitize its war with the Orwellian term “special-military-operation” — and to make all news coverage align with that message.

by Zappoblappo March 9, 2022

20👍 6👎