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Unus Annus

A channel run by Ethan Eef Nestor and Mark Masochist Fishcbach, They started it on November 15th, 2019. Its about death, basically. They ocasianally tell people that the end is coming ever closer- But most of the time they just let things go wild for sh**s and giggles.

Some dude: hey whats that that one Unus Annus episode?
Another Dude: The one were they play children's games in the dark?
Some dude: Thats the one

by ZeeXtor August 27, 2020


One of the most AMAZING friends you’ll ever have in your life. They’re kind, sweet, generous, always there for you, and you’ll be so glad you met them. They’ll always be open to talk to you once you two get to know each other- and trust me, once you’re friends you won’t want to stop talking to them. They’re always there for you.

My friend Mike is such a Mike- that’s probably why it’s their name.

by ZeeXtor May 26, 2021