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web stapler

While two girls are Tribbing against each other, one of them squirts inside her partner. But during the process, finds out she has spider powers, so her squirt was essentially a bunch of impact webs, sticking each other together; web stapler

person 1: i think im going to...
person 2: oh yeah
pesron 1: *shhhhhhhhhhhh
person 2: ummm
person 1: that was fun
(both of them attempt to leave)
person 1: why can't i move
person 2: i believe we're in what's called a web stapler
both: *laughs

by Zimbaycoleo December 8, 2020


When someone is called a 5head, they're usually really smart. The idea is that big foreheads = more brain = bigger smart.

person 1: *solves something
person 2: you see that! That is a 5head moment right there

by Zimbaycoleo December 8, 2020

61👍 15👎


pejorative term meaning "(of an animal) to comment on or explain something to a human in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner".

human: I'm hurt
animal: No, you're not.

human: hey! You're animalsplaining

by Zimbaycoleo December 6, 2020

card scraper

to scrape a card

person 1: What is she doing?
person 2: I don't know, I think she's a card scraper
person 4: What is that?
person 2: to scrape a card
person 4 and 1: Oh
All: *Incest ensues*

by Zimbaycoleo October 24, 2020


When trying to spell break, but make a typo and end up with "breake", so the person you're messengaing suddenly starts mocking you for it, you can say "this is a real world, search it up", and it will end up on urban dictionary!

person 1: misstypes break; "breake"
person 2: hahaha you stupid, you dont' know how to spell lol
person 1: I actually spelt it right just in another way, search it up!
pesron 2: omg you're right, why did i ever doubt you im sorry im going to apologise now!

by Zimbaycoleo March 26, 2021


You must be really bored

She had a penis

by Zimbaycoleo August 11, 2020

1👍 6👎


An elevated floor

My book is on that table

by Zimbaycoleo August 11, 2020