Asian equivalent of "Blacked", also know as "Asianed"
Use to refer woman (usually slightly high-maintenance) who has had sex with an Asian men and can no longer be satisfied with any other race. The reason for a woman to define herself as golded are usually the kink-fetish, the small size of the man contrary with his large dick size, the shear amount of special careness during the intercourse and overall high sexual performance and satisfactions compare to others
Unlike Blacked, which widely know through porno, the term Golded are tightly known among real life woman that have try out Asian lover. Surprisingly, many of them admit that they prefer Asian men more, mainly because no other type can fulfill their desire in term of sex-play and give the same amount of satisfactions.
- Hey girl, while are you alway choose to go to Asia ON every vacation?
- Last time I was Golded in Japan, i came like a fountain. I swear now i can't even enjoy sex with Lucas anymore! Ahh my sweet sweet golden boys need me! Mommy is coming!
- Damn gurl! You're hooked
AKA Asian fetish or a strong sexual or romantic preference for people of male Asian descent or heritage. The term is used when somebody has had sex with an Asian man and will no longer have sex with any other race. Sometime can be referred as yellow fever, or golden kink...
The term Yellowed is used to describe the fetishization of East Asians and Southeast Asian men by non-Asians women, as well as having a preference for dating or marrying men of East Asian and Southeast Asian origin. The usage of "yellow" stems from the color terminology for race that is sometimes applied to people of Asian descent.
The origins of sexually preference male Asia are unclear. It is believed that the primary causes for a woman to define herself as yellowed are either the exceptional sensual affection, frequency of intercourse, the hidden natural desire for smarter offspring or the urge of having exotic fertilizations with Mongoloid(Asian) inherit, also known as "Conqueror Gene"
- Beautiful white girl get yellowed by a skillful Asian lover
- Once yellowed you followed
A woman of any race who are sexually owned by Asian men, preferably with rich and powerful Asian men with big cock or high social status. A Queen of Diamonds is a living jewelry plays thing for Asian men, often being treat like obedient sex slave with no human right
The Asian equivalent of the "Queen of Spades". While the Black male is known for the brawl, the bull and the BBC on the spectrum, the Asian men instead are desired for their wealth, status and the BAC (Big Asian Cock).
The woman is typically married, or sometime single at first. Often being poor/sexual deprivation with their life and can be easily lure with money/sex, she is slowly crave for more of the wealthy and sexual satisfaction that the Asian men can provide, to the point she no longer can live without them, and sell her body to the temptation. She is now "marked" as the men property, often with a tattoo/jewelry/piercing of the diamond symbol with an upper case Q. The woman is now treated as an "object" that the men own, losing any dignity and decency she have left, no more than a piece of jewelry, hence the "diamond" name.
"Hey, isn't the boss new secretary look kind of cute?"
"Nah, she has a "Queen of Diamonds" piercing, she is now the boss's property, forever. You didn't stand a chance"
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