A high school in Fresno CA which says they're super diverse but in reality everyone just divides into different groups by ethnicity. There are tons of AP classes and some of the teachers are decent but others r super strict or r just terrible at teaching. If it wasn't divided enough, everyone is also split by popularity. This sucks for nerds who either group together in huge nerd areas or stand alone because no one cares about them. There is no real community because you may have someone in your class next to u and never know their name cuz everyone has a strong stranger mentality and doesn't want to mingle. Everyone is so afraid to talk to each other that no one really knows each other especially if they're a nerd. If you can't relate to anyone you're destined for depression like all those lonely kids standing around who no one bothers to talk to. It's also super ghetto with a bunch of loud annoying Mexicans and blacks who make up most of the school. There's some spirited ppl too who try their best but there is no spirit unity becuz of said stranger mentality. Other groups include hipster weirdos with skateboards and dyed hair, chatty white girls, peppy blacks, Mexican hoes and fboys, Asian volleyball ppl, and and black ppl who just rap or start fights. The school staff Ian pretty mean too but it's probably cuz they've been dealing with teenage shite for years
Guy 1: I go to Edison high school!
Girl: that place Has too many hoes and I hear it's dangerous
Guy1: that's not true!
*guy gets drive by shot seconds later
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