Adjective: Used to describe when the US President acts like a jackass and makes himself and the entire nation look like fools to the rest of the world.
Synonym: non-presidential, un-stately, buffoon.
Origin: Term originally coined by US President-elect Donald Trump when tweeting about China.
ex 1: Trump dumped a huge stinky turd and didn't even flush, gosh that's so unpresidented!
ex 2: A lot of people are saying that Donald Trump's Presidency is highly unpresidented.
ex 3: A lot of people voted for Trump because he is an outsider and he is so unpresidented, unlike all the other career politicians.
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Noun referring to the group of low-life, die-hard Donald Trump supporters who are on the fringes of society, like racist KKK members who support Trump. Hillary Clinton came up with this description, which seems to have stuck.
Now this same group of swamp-dwelling skinheads are no longer offended by the term, now they proudly refer to themselves as "deplorables". Think of the way some people proudly embrace calling themselves hillbilly or red-neck or trailer trash, and now deplorables.
Joe says: Trump's sheeple are a bunch of deplorables who gladly swallow whatever he spews at them.
John says: I heard "The Deplorables" skinhead motorcycle gang is going to handle security at the next Trump rally.
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Metaphor for: "Get ready cause some crazy shit's about to go down!" or "Get ready for a wild ride!" or what you say before the shit hits the fan.
History: Derives from old cowboy rodeo phrase, as a reminder when riding on a wild bull or bucking bronco.
Pop Culture: A favorite phrase of Caitlyn Jenner on South Park, which is then usually followed by someone getting accidentally killed by her.
Guy at bar asks Caitlyn Jenner: "It should be an interesting election this year huh?"
Caitlyn sips her drink and fiendishly replies: "Buckle up buckaroos."
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New acronym for "Yet Another Hacked Online Oracle", after over 1 billion of its accounts were compromised in the largest hack ever.
Originally, when Yahoo was founded the acronym stood for "Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle"
Imagine, what if the entire Yahoo email database got hacked and dumped online, revealing every single email that every Yahoo user ever sent, freely available for anyone to search? That shit's fucked up! Buckle up Buckaroos - Yahoo!
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