someone who can't pay their own car insurance so they go on someone else's and will do anything to get car insurance because they can't pay for their own. Somebody who sleeps with somebody to get car insurance
Dustin is a car insurance whore he uses fat chicks to get free car insurance
One who presumably can slut around regardless of coronavirus. To coronawhhore cab also be to go hang out with multiple people regardless of stay home orders
She is such a coronawhore even a pandemic don't stop her from spreading them legs.
A chick who writes to guys in prison is one definition, a chick who dates guys that are primarily felons or have been in prison, a chick who likes to count the number of felons they have had sex with and look at it like a trophy. Also a chick that only dates guys that are
Bridget sure is a felon fucker she's found herself another a****** who's just been released from prison to go out with
This is a person so desperate to have a vehicle but they will do anything to get a hold of one even sell their own soul. Or they will do anything to get a car for somebody else in order to keep a hold of them.
Bob is such a carwhore he slept with his best friend's wife just to be able to use her vehicle
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