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Roasted, Toasted, Packaged up, and Posted

When you roast someone and they have no comebacks at all and just standing there, absorbing the screams from the crowd as the roastee, makes a square in the air with his hands, and waves a check in the air.

1: You're ugly!
2: That sounds like a mouthful, i'm sure you used that when you were choking on your dads dick.
an example of someone being Roasted, Toasted, Packaged up, and Posted.

Me: please help me i'm bored and made a shitty meme...

by Zupalan January 10, 2019

26👍 1👎

Food Stamps Activity

When someone exhibits some bitch ass op behavior.

"man he be on some food stamps activity"

by Zupalan January 27, 2023