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10th of December

National Skip School Day for Grade 9s
Grade 9s get to skip school all day without a penalty. To all you skippers out there, have fun and possibly lose your virginity.

Principal: Why the heck were there no grade 9s at school yesterday?

Student: It was the 10th of December.

Principal: What's that supposed to mean?

Student: Its skip school day for the grade 9s.

by _.Urban-Dictionary._ December 4, 2019

9th of January

The 9th of January is yet again...
You guessed it, Skip Day for Highschool Kids...
I'm sorry Elementary Rebels, but you gotta be in school...
On this day it is recommended to do something nice for your friends as well, possibly go to the movies (if there is any good ones) or take them all to Lunch (Or just your special someone)
Have fun out there on the 9th because I'm sure I will
Dont forget, there is no penalty for skipping on this day.

Principal: Why was nobody at school yesterday?

Teacher: I have no clue.

Student: Allow me to help you answer that question. It was Skip Day for Highschool Kids. Check it out on Urban Dictionary, 9th of January.

by _.Urban-Dictionary._ December 11, 2019

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