A commonly used mechanical mechanism that read and plays discs and cds; a CD player
I need to get new batteries for my exorpazorp
The literal bets PokΓΒ©mon. The water starter of the third generation of pocket monsters. Of you have a Mudkip you're one lucky motherfucker
My Mudkip would beat the living shit out of your Torchic! Bitch
The weird shit on your dick that appears after beating your meat
Goddamn I had a lot of cock steam last night
3π 1π
The largest number in the alphabet, used to exaggerate the value of something
Holy shit man her ass was metromillions larger than your cousin, and that's not easy to come by!
What your genitals smell like after not taking a shower for 3 days
My dick smells like that day old Jimmy John's bread
A word used by slave owners when talking to their male and female slaves, occasionally black; used long ago; adjective
Get your ass over here you figger naggot!
7π 9π