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1) Ink-producing marine mollusks of the order Teuthida that typically glide through water via locomotion of their eight tentacles. Sometimes prepared for human consumption (especially in Japanese cuisine), where it is referred to as "calamari."
2) An inexperienced, inept, or otherwise foolish motorcyclist. Possibly a blend of "stupid" and "quick," as well as the bacronym "stupid, quick, under-dressed and imminently dead." This was extended more generally to inexperienced riders of any vehicle by the 1999 kids' cartoon Rocket Powered, the debut episode of which titled "New Squid on the Block," where the lowest ranking skateboarder was termed "squid" by the other characters.
3) A nerd. First used in this context in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a 1999 epistolary coming of age novel on page 183, where it is used to describe people who sit at the back of the school bus: "When I do ride the bus, I usually sit towards the middle because I've heard sitting in the front is for nerds and sitting in the back is for squids, and the whole thing makes me nervous. I don't know what they call 'squids' in other schools." The term has since picked up minor cachet in the New England area as being synonymous with nerds, weirdos, etc.

1) "If you made an appearance on a Discovery Channel documentary about marine life, you might be a squid."
2) "If you ride without a helmet and ride over 100 mph on the freeway, you might be a squid."
3) "If you play Dungeons & Dragons on a regular basis, you might be a squid."

by __mark__ December 26, 2018