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Kiera is such a beautiful name. Kiera is beautiful in general. She is absolutely stunning and and if you ever have the chance of meeting a Kiera, keep her close to your heart. Kiera doesn’t settle for an average boy, she will date a couple but then there’s that 1, that 1 boy who she will never get over losing. She admits she doesn’t still like him, but we all know she does. She doesn’t make it obvious, Kiera can hide things so deeply but still feel the same. Even if she didn’t like him she will always have a part of her that wants him back. Kiera deserves the world. She has gone through heaven and hell and deserves a chance of full happiness. Kiera’s style is soft and gentle. Funky and stylish outfits but loves the softie aesthetic. She deserves everything and all of her friends hopes she gets it. Did I mention she gives the best hugs<3

“Aww Kiera looks so cute today!”

“Kiera gives the best hugs like omg!!”

“Nose, why you so cute”

by _nickle_ September 22, 2018

687👍 93👎


Kibi is the most beautiful nickname for someone with a “k” name. Kibi is very pretty yet nobody takes kibi seriously, except if she is taking about food. Kibi can achieve any makeup look kibi wants and is extremely creative and artistic. Kibi can stand up for herself and if anyone try’s to get her down or stereotype kibi, kibi can fight through it. Kibi has been through so many things but has formed from them into a beautiful person. Kibi has the most loyal friends and appreciate kibi in everyway possible. You will want to be friends with a kibi because she won’t let you down unless you offend anyone she loves. It takes a awhile for kibi to warm up to people but she is so fun once you get to know kibi<3 kibi loves her friends so much you don’t even know! Kibi is usually friends with people who or the exact age or 1 year older. Kibi is so loving you would always want to be around a kibi. Kibi has a hard time finding a perfect person to love though. Kibi tends to lazy unless she is ready and then she is energetic and dancing to the best music. Thanks for ready about kibi. I love you guys<3<3<3

“Do you want to hangout with kibi today?”

“Kibi was so funny yesterday”

“Kibi is so beautiful”

by _nickle_ April 9, 2018

10👍 3👎


Maya is actually one of the best people in the world. She’s uncomfortably open in front of anyone and loves probably too many boys. She’s gorgeous in all ways even if she never thinks so herself. She can make a fun time out of nothing and you will have the best memories with maya.

“Maya always makes it a good time”

“Maya is really funny!!”

by _nickle_ May 25, 2019