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Composed of 12 states. Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. Can be further subdivided into the Upper Midwest, Lower Midwest, and Great Plains. Great Plains: Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota. Upper Midwest: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan.
Lower Midwest: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. All the lower Midwestern states have major Southern components to them in their Southern portions due to their touching the MAson-Dixon lines in their Southernmost areas, but are generally Midwestern everywhere else. Kentucky is also often included but is the South due its location below the MAson-Dixon, which is the 36 degree latitude line across Missouri (meaning just about all of missouri is in the midwest) the Ohio River, and the Maryland-Pennsylvania border.

I'm north of the Mason-Dixon line I have no accent, I don't drink sweet tea, i'm in the middle of the country, i don't touch any oceans, I'm east of the Rockies. I'm from the Midwest.

by a.j.f. May 27, 2007

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