A cuddle from a loved member who wants a cuddle after contracting covid having spent days in isolation without physical contact.
They may no longer have covid , however beware they may want a cuddle regardless of the chance you may catch it.
Go on give your mother a great big coviâ cuddle
A cuddle from a loved member who wants a cuddle after contracting covid having spent days in isolation without physical contact.
They may no longer have covid , however beware they may want a cuddle regardless of the chance you may catch it.
Go on give your mother a great big coviâ cuddle (English).
I need a coviâ bozie (Scottish).
A cuddle from a loved member who wants a cuddle after contracting covid having spent days in isolation without physical contact.
They may no longer have covid , however beware they may want a cuddle regardless of the chance you may catch it.
Go on give me a Coviâ cuddle (English).
I could really do with a Coviâ bozie (Scottish).
A cuddle from a loved member who wants a cuddle after contracting covid having spent days in isolation without physical contact.
They may no longer have covid , however beware they may want a cuddle regardless of the chance you may catch it.
Go on give your mother a coviâ cuddle (English).
Go on give your mither a coviâ bozie (Scottish).