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Post this on ig reels

Commonly commented on tiktok videos of groups vulnerable to hate speech, like disabled children or minorities. This basically means one wants to comment something hateful, but it's not possible on tiktok.

The comment encourages the person to post on Instagram Reels, where the filtering system allows comments to be more direct and even hateful.

- Look at this happy kid singing!
- post this on ig reels lil bro

by ab34d3 December 26, 2023

Post this on ig reels

Commonly commented on tiktok videos of vulnerable groups, like disabled children or minorities. It basically means one wants to post a hate comment but it's not possible on tiktok.

This comment encourages the person to also post on Instagram Reels, as its filtering system allows comments to be more direct and even hateful.

- Look at this happy kid singing!
- post this on ig reels lil bro

by ab34d3 December 26, 2023

word for word

Usually commented on social media when someone steals content from others, without even bothering to change anything.

Jack: "I love apples they're so juicy"
Michael: "I love apples they're so juicy"
Jack: "word for word"

by ab34d3 September 8, 2023