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Northern Kentucky University

Also known as "NKU", Northern Kentucky University is a school of 16,000 or so located in the booming city (ha) of Highland Heights, Kentucky.

A school that for only 43 years old rivals many of the state universities that have been around for 100+.

It is one of Kentucky's hidden gems.

Campus is made of concrete for the most part and is often referred to as the "concrete playground".

Traditionally, students have commuted to campus each day and don't give two shits about involvement. All of this is changing now with the growth in enrollment, campus buildings and constantly improving athletics program.

People of Northern Kentucky University like to brag about their national champion soccer team, the fact that Jay-Z was on campus one time, George Clooney went to school there for one semester and that one professor who is famous for caving or something like that.

EKU student : "What? You go to Northern Kentucky University? It's campus is straight concrete and lacking any color."

NKU student: "It's really not that bad; at least I'm getting a "concrete education" here. At Eastern, you'll be getting syphilis and alcoholic tendencies instead."

by abetterdefwasneeded January 31, 2011

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