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Rube Chat

Absolutely pointless "networking tool" that Minnesota sports fan overuse in an attempt to gain and then flaunt popularity. A potentially useful dating/networking tool for adults gone awry because it became a contest to see who could get the most "points" added... (and by "points" I mean other insecure members post in your thread to increase THEIR OWN points count). An addiction where you must sign on every .3232134 seconds to see if anyone posted a comment, or sent you a message.

It does serve as a purposeful tool for anyone who is feeling they are not as smart as the people they hang out with in real life. Just a few minutes on Rube Chat and you'll find yourself thinking that you just might be one of the smartest people in the world.

Yo dawg I was totally getting schooled playing Trivial Persuit so I logged on to Rube Chat and within minutes I was schooling people with my knowledge of brown ties, sharts, religion, and politics! Oh and we talked some sports to.

by abilities July 6, 2006

59👍 43👎