If you look up the word abortion, it's original meaning is actually "an abomination."
And that usually reflects on the new, modern definition of abortion, which is to terminate a pregnancy because it is unwanted or inconvenient for the parents.
I think abortion should only be used when the life of the mother is at risk if the baby is born. Otherwise, abortion is clearly murder.
Listen up, people. This is an old lesson told many times before - the safest way to avoid getting pregnant is to avoid having sex. The second safest way is to use the rhythm method plus a condom just-in-case. The third safest way is to avoid unprotected sex, and to use a rubber or a diaphragm or some spermicide or some kind of pill.
But if you become pregnant, it is definitely morally wrong to proceed with an abortion if the reason is simply because it's an "unwanted pregnancy" or because "you can't afford it."
There are other options, such as adoption, that can be used. Also, I believe that in the long run, the parents will both be more satisfied and feel better if they avoid the abortion route.
The number of abortions carried out since Roe V. Wade was passed is estimated around 40 million. The actual numbers could very well be higher as people don't usually divulge this information. Imagine how many of those murdered unborn children could have grown up to become excellent leaders, scientists, doctors, and helpers for society.
66π 101π
What a geeky Math whiz boy would say to a geeky Math whiz girl as a one-liner.
At the Beta Sigma Omega Math Olympiads, Devin walked up to Melissa and looked at her graph of the function, and then tried to suavely say "Hey there, lady, nice asymptotes - can I see them closer?"
17π 4π
The biggest collective bj ever given in the history of the world. Millions of people received this bj and some unfortunately suffered tremendously from it.
As has facetiously been said before by a friend of mine on his faceboo page, "katrina gave me the biggest blow job of my life. Never will there be another bj exactly like the Katrina BJ"
12π 9π
An amazing and awesome maneuver that defies any kind of reasonable description. Something that somebody does that is just to hard to describe, but it's pretty astonishing.
Contortionists and break-dancers, along with very skilled skateboarders, are adept at performing whatnots.
19π 59π
Egyptian-Arabic dialect word for "crazy." Can be a noun or an adjective.
Did you hear that magnoon? He said that George Bush was the best president in US history.
22π 3π
Should be the nickname for Antoine Walker - the trigger-happy NBA player who misses too many shots from outside the arc.
We went to the recent Timberwolves game and saw Chucking Threes Please ... oh well at least he's having fun eh.
1π 1π
Supercilious means full of arrogance and acting like one doesn't care at all and is indifferent, as if that person is a royal King or Queen.
In the ingenious SAT prep book "Up Your Score" the example sentence for supercilious goes: "The supercilious person said, "I am perfect, but you are a super silly ass."
38π 21π