Source Code

dead text

receiving absolutely NO response after texting a girl you met for the first time earlier in the week, even if you felt like there was a good connection between the two of you

His Text:
Hey Cindy, I had fun hanging out last night, I'm gonna have a little cook out with some friends tonight, what are you up to?

Her Text:_________________________

His Text:
Hi Shelley you definitely broke it down on that dance floor on Friday, did you take classes for those moves?

Her Text:_________________________

Scenario with Friend

Friend: Did you ever get in touch with that cutie you hung out with all night?

You: Well I send her a text yesterday...

Friend: ...and?

You: Nothing! No response!

Friend: Damn dude, I can't believe you got dead texted after that.

by adiboy January 10, 2012

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