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lubie jeder

A mystery ingredient, an unknown part or an unobtainable item. The name is used as a synonym for "thing-a-ma-jig" or "whosie-whatsit" when you don't want to sound quite so uninformed.

Hon, I'd love to make dinner so you can watch your show but we're all out of Lubie Jeders.

by afsmist April 20, 2011

the hum of reptiles

What comes out of politician's mouths

I leave the TV on mute 'cos I can't stand the hum of reptiles.

by afsmist December 5, 2017


The stuff dogs bring in after playing in the yard.

"Geez-louise, look at all that grungus!"

by afsmist June 12, 2009

10👍 6👎


A home-cooked meal pieced together from whatever's on hand. COTR = clean out the refrigerator.

Last night we had COTR salad. It's not sitting too well with me...

by afsmist December 5, 2017