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A man who likes to have sex with variety of hot women, and despite all the efforts of women to avoid having pleasure in their life, he succeeds in doing so.

Accidental encounter with a bloodsucker type of woman results in a big clash, but a crafty fuckboi is able to get out of this situation without getting harmed.

Fuckbois are often labelled evil beings or demons by frustrated women, who take life very seriously. These women will call fuckbois "fake" and other names. This is not always true, because modern fuckbois often also genuinely care about you and besides good sex they can also offer love (though not long-lasting), which many of women are derpived of. Only thing is that they have a large sexual appetite and value their own freedom, which women are rarely able to grasp.

Dude1: Did you hear Joe dated another woman last friday? I didn't expect him to be such a fuckboi.
Dude2: Yep, he did. But what is such a big deal about it?

by afuckboy January 11, 2020


A frustrated woman, who has trouble opening her heart to a man. She spends her whole life looking for "the one" and when she finally decides to open up to someone, she sucks on them so hard, that it becomes uncomfortable for the other person; she will become over-attached.

Her beliefs are often orthodox and rigid. She believes that only way to relate to a man is by a serious relationship, followed by at least 30-year-long marriage, and if she doesn't succeed with "the one," she will blame them and will never be able to talk to them kindly and openly again.

She hates people who have casual sex, and she clearly refuses this possibility for herself, which will keep her frustrated and nervous. An open relationship is a foreign language to her. Typically, she will call people, who enjoy casual sex a fuckboi or a bitch.

After the act of sucking onto "the one", the one will usually either stay with the bloodsucker (because he is afraid to hurt her feelings) and become bored and unhappy, or he will choose to leave the bloodsucker, who will after that become even more frustred, reserved and hateful towards men.

Typical examples of frustrated expressions of bloodsuckers can be found in the top definitions of
words fuckboi or mansplainer.

Guy1: How is your relationship with Jane?
Guy2: Aw, man, I like her, she is nice and all, but she is getting too much in my face now, and I can barely have a private moment.
Guy1: I think she might be this bloodsucker kind of girl. Tell her that it's vital for a relationship when you both keep a little personal space.

by afuckboy January 11, 2020