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A skater is someone who owns a skateboard and is either learning, or trying to learn how to skate. Posers are just following the fad and are nothing to worry about, they will be over it in about a week as soon as they figure out you actually have to WORK.
Skaters are generally nice to beginners and are willing to help them get off the ground. If you see a beginner that's having trouble, remember what happened the first time YOU tried to ollie... either that or try it yourself.
A skater is dedicated and wont give up
Skaters can be either guys or girls.. yes GIRLS CAN SKATE so get over it
That's a skater

skater: don't give up, try and try again, u'll land that trick if you get up when you fall, and ignore the pain.

by ak_skater_girl May 26, 2007

10👍 8👎