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urban mountain biking

very much like street BMX biking, but with a good quality, fullsize bicycle. urban mountain bikes have front-fork suspension and a hardtail, with a low-clearance top-tube and low seat. its an action sport with a small number of devoted practicioners who are recognizable by their deeply pocked, purple shins, tolerance, friendliness, maverick mentality, and sexy, athletic build.

-what is there to do in vancouver?
-go urban mountain biking!

by akary January 30, 2006

244πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


1. v
to quickly eat.

2. v
to vomit or belch in a manner like that of vomiting.

3. n

4. v
to steal or pilfer, usually pertaining to items of little value.

5. v
screw up, make dysfunctional

6. v
to sell (a bastardization of *hawk*)

6. v
do (can mean essentially anything)

i horked it down, then i horked it back up. then he horked my hork, and horked it to this guy who was totally horked up. then i horked my sister

by akary May 23, 2005

377πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž


the adjustable bolt through the bushings and hanger of a skateboard truck that hold these parts to the baseplate.

when tightened, the skateboard does not turn as easily.

"your kingpin is bent, you should replace it."

by akary May 6, 2005

43πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


1. n. a rotten piece of wood.
2. n. a bratty kid
3. n. the one who gets bent and takes it in the prison showers
4. n. an anarchisti, rebellious, wealth-denying obnoxious hooligan. often associated with a (not particularly) musical revolution from mid-1970s britain and america typified by bands such as MC5, television, the clash, and the sex pistols punk rock.
5. adj. anything displaying the "i don't give a shit what you nancies think about me" and "i don't like it, fuck this bullshit" attitude

"we're not into music; we're into chaos." -johnny rotten of the sex pistols

(punk is a beautifully angry thing and i like it)

by akary August 6, 2005

175πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


more mild and less well known
from the german homonym
past tense-shtuck

my shtook buddy
he shtuck her

by akary October 19, 2004

39πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The girl of your dreams. Beautiful, super caring, and will always make you laugh. Very social, and loves to make new friends. The type of girl who thinks she isnҀ™t good at something, but ends up being incredible. Any guy would be in a fight to get an Akary. Sometimes crazy, but once you get to now her she will open up. An Akary will always give you the best advice.

Γ’Β€ΒœMan I need to get myself an Akary.Ҁ

Γ’Β€ΒœI just meet this girl named Akary, sheҀ™s so awesome.Ҁ

by akary March 29, 2020

chuck norris

a half cherokee, half irish martial artist and all around badass.

it takes chuck norris 49 muscles to smile, but only 2 to kill

by akary May 19, 2006

151πŸ‘ 206πŸ‘Ž