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A Georgetown student or alumnus, derivative of the Greek word for "what."

What's a Hoya?
Georgetown Student: yes.

by akork November 2, 2006

130👍 42👎


A horse race tradition in northern Virginia frequented especially by UVA students, as well as Georgetown and William & Mary students. Students dress in traditional spring suites and dresses and, due to large amounts of alcohol, tend to be very social.

UVA student at Foxfields (wandering about drunkenly): hey, love the seersucker jacket and salmon pants!
Georgetown student (drunkenly stumbling into UVA student): hey, yeah, thanks; love your salmon jacket and seersucker pants.

by akork November 2, 2006

65👍 27👎

Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

A phrase popular among first year Latin students, the phrase means "always wear underwear." The literal translation is "always where under where."

Pope: Hey...did you hear what those American's said?
Cardinals, yanwing: No, holiness.
Pope: Semper Ubi Sub Ubi.
Cardinals: Semper...always where under where...underwear! Ha, you've gotten us again holiness. You god damn trickster!

by akork November 9, 2006

3178👍 4256👎