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Sexist slur that opponents of Hillary Clinton use, especially during the current 2016 presidential election process, to express their contempt for her.

It's sexist because it deliberately incorporates the word "shrill," a term that has been used for decades to insult and diminish women -- especially those who are gender-equality advocates or women's rights advocates, and those who try to assert themselves in a public place such as a political event, online forum or the workplace. It does so by implying that all women's voices exhibit a high, unpleasant, grating sound whenever a woman speaks seriously (as opposed to flirting with, sucking up to or putting on the charm with men).

He's voting for that man-eating bitch, Shrillary. What a cuck.

by alksdfj June 4, 2016

18👍 110👎


A term of abuse that anti-feminists, men's rights advocates, racists, anti-gay bigots, white supremacists and right-wing conservatives use to ridicule liberal men, especially those who are gender-equality advocates, women's rights activists and LGBTIA activists.

Derived from the word "cuckold," the term is meant to imply that these liberal men (like heterosexual men whose wives have cheated on them) have been wronged by women and are too stupid to realize it; that they are weak, foolish, ridiculous and contemptible; and that they decline to adhere to the traditional stereotyped male gender role (the last of which, in the minds of the people using the slur, is a bad thing).

Like its close cousin "girly man," and most of the terms of abuse anti-gay bigots use against gay men, "cuck" is in essence a misogynist term, in that it insults men on the ground that they allegedly share traits (weakness, foolishness, inferiority, being worthy of contempt) that sexist people have traditionally associated with women.

The slur has become unhinged from its sex-related original meaning, because racist and ethnically biased conservatives have found it a convenient term of abuse to employ against liberal men in general, even when gender and sexual orientation politics are not at issue.

That guy not only says he's a feminist, he's voting for Shrillary. What a cuck.

by alksdfj June 4, 2016

759👍 835👎