E-Hey! Watch my poem
E- Roses are red, Violets are blue, Scooby Doo, Just like youu!
what someone drunk with a stroke would say
Hey Maddie! Maddie? suwfjefefbwdnenwv xncewcewncvuherbncij3ovbu3ncfv4bhrejcnbgyunce3fg fhr4uhdi2cfu4hvcbervgyrfhfbdvygrbfrv urbv chreuvrneuvyb hrvbncer ehrgbfnrueh hubuvrenvhbvh ghbybcv habinci habinci habinci
dork is a socially awkward person that I am. and also can be quite weird, silly and goofy!
!!This names are based on dork diaries!!
Mackenzie-"Hey Nikki is literally dressed like a total DORK!
Jessica-"Not her puke sweater though!! Its ugly!"