The sound made when somebody buys something just because they are told they have to. A combination of the "baa" sound made by sheep and the "ka-ching" sound made by a cash register.
He was told to wear a certain mask and he never asked why or was even curious what the initials K or N stood for. I could practically hear baa-ching across the store.
People who command, or think they command, a presence among the working poor. Usually strongly opinionated and adept at bullying their "subjects" by being loud. Occasionally have to resort to mock threats of physical violence to maintain their authority. At picnics, they line their lawn chairs (thrones) in a prominent place just off the beer tent, and regale the crowds with opinions about how dumb everyone else is.
Jim and Cathy and the rest of their redneck royalty are busy making proclamations about the idiots running the country.
Combination of quarantined and boring.
Had close contact at work, but nothing lined up at home for 5 days. So I am borantined.
Alcoholic + mimicry. Unconscious negative self-talk by Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA or ACoA) that mimics the messages from their alcoholic father, mother or both. Usually passed down generations. Always limiting. Common examples include calling oneself dumb, lazy, stupid, worthless or worse.
Tony sounds just like his drunken old man when he makes an innocent mistake and berates himself for being a "worthless idiot." He doesn't even realize he is practicing alcomimicry.
Snack + accomplice.
Whenever my dog and I walk through the kitchen, we get a snack. She is my snaccomplice.
Like brainstorming, except you list complaints about something, and then list the opposite of each complaint. Makes use of people's natural tendency to complain in a constructive way, in that you end up with a more complete picture of what you do want.
We tried brainstorming a solution to scheduling during holidays but only came up with the same old same old. So we switched to complainstorming, and came up with a dozen really good solutions.
Staying in shape in body, mind and most importantly spirit. Not getting too comfortable, flabby or vulnerable to ambush. Touches every aspect of life including physical, emotional, social, financial and intellectual fitness. Maintaining joy purposefully, using challenge and struggle as tools. Evidenced by smiling when you can't pinpoint exactly why.
At the store, we are practicing tonekeeping by reminding each other of the basic premise of the sell at a profit.
I am tonekeeping by exercising ten percent more.
I cut my credit spending for tonekeeping purposes.