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Harrington Park

the smallest, most boring town in the world. home of nature man and dj immense. friday and saturday nights consist of walking around aimlessly with your friends trying to think of something to do, or spending three hours sitting in vera's with a slice of pizza and a coke. everyone's loaded but choose to "live modestly" so you can't tell. we waste our money on buying a $10,000 electrical sign to put outside borough hall, just so we can return it and get less than half the money back. hp is a town where everyone knows everything about each other, and you're considered a badass if you break a bottle outside of jerry's and don't pick it up. the police have nothing better to do than bust people for jaywalking or investigate who wrote the graffiti on the shed outside the school. it's the gayest place ever but you've gotta love it. the end.

-yo man, what are you doing tonight?
-you know, the usual. just chillen around the streets of harrington park, stopping by the cleaners to jack some lollipops. maybe hitting the deli for some mad drinks.
-dude, i'm so there.

by alsdkfjasdkfj December 3, 2006

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